I’m off to New York City this week to pitch my first novel, Trust No One, Promise Nothing at Thrillerfest. It’s exciting to be part of a small group having our first chapters critiqued by Mark Greaney, the author of The Gray Man, (coming to theaters on July 15 and streaming on Netflix on July 22).
This has been a four-year endeavor of love and dedication to fulfill my dream of writing a book, especially after spending my lifetime reading a ton of them.
Now that I’ve sat in the author driver’s seat navigating a story as it weaves in and out of fast lanes filled with tragedies, loss, love and redemption, I have a deeper appreciation of what an author goes through.
But that’s only a part of the journey. Getting my novel published is the next step. I’ve got some serious learning ahead of me on that score, so stepping out of my little bubble of comfort and putting myself out there is necessary, although somewhat foreign to me, being an introvert. An INFJ-A, for those of you who are interested in personality types.
It’s going to be a wild ride, that’s for sure.
Wish me luck!