On April 11, 2024, I signed a contract with Munn Avenue Press. Since then my novel has undergone an extensive content edit, a new book cover has been developed, the interior of the book designed, an Amazon page created, which will go live soon, and the book is now in the hands of the line editor.
It's been a long six years since I started the first draft of my novel in April 2018. Many beta readers, editors, and lots of writing classes later, I've arrived at this junction.
Trust No One, Promise Nothing will be ready to be printed by the end of the summer.
Update: September 7th, 2024
While the book underwent a lengthy line edit, Hubby and I took a much needed vacation. Three great weeks in North Carolina reconnecting with our grown kids and fabulous grandchildren.
I could finally pay attention to the line edit when we returned, unpacked and spent an entire day doing laundry. Once the line edit fixes was done, I slept with the story for another week, searching for mirror words. After that was completed, I was ready to freeze the story. Like — not touch it again.
It felt so final. Scary even. What if there were mistakes I didn't catch? Or my software didn't catch? Labor Day was fast approaching. I knew if I didn't send it to my publisher stamped DONE before that long weekend came, I would be tempted to look again, poke around some more, searching for trouble. In order to enjoy the long weekend with my family, I snatched it out of my own hands and hit the send button on Friday night, moving it to the next level — formatting the interior.
That's where it's sitting now — getting all prettified for you. Looks like we will have a real, live, honest to goodness book soon.
Stay tuned!
It's happening,
